Ditch Your Office Chair
Improve your health at the office with LifeSpan Fitness’s treadmill desks, desk bikes, and standing desk equipment.
Whether it's at home or corporate office, studies have shown that walking while working can increase your daily productivity and your lifespan!
By walking while you work you can:
Save Time
No more commuting back and forth from home and to the gym
Relieve Back Pain
Improve your posture while walking. No more slouching!
Weight Loss
Shed those extra pounds by adding movement
Improved Mood
Movement helps release dopamine and serotonin, which improves your mood and makes you happier

At-Work Fitness Made Easy
Our at-home standing desk exercise equipment can take your workout to the next level. Whether you’re walking or running, our folding treadmills and standing desk treadmills are easy to move and provide you with a comprehensive control console that makes working out fun and strategic.
Their design also contains shock absorbers that reduce stress from your joints and make walking and running healthy and comfortable. Our standing desk treadmills and bikes use important safety features and enjoy limited noise levels to ensure you stay concentrated at work while you exercise.
Starting At
$1299.00 -
Or Monthly*
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Treadmill Desks
Glow up with our line of standing desk treadmills. Scan the list of our 8 favorite benefits of standing desk treadmills and take your fitness to the next level no matter where you are in your journey.
- Improved mood
- Increased creativity
- Increased productivity
- Reduced stress
- Healthy body weight
- Reduced risk of type-2 diabetes
- Lowered blood pressure
- Maintaining bone health

Level up your home workouts
You might not always be able to work out during the work day. A long day of in-person meetings? Perhaps you had to be on-site all day?
Don’t worry. At Lifespan Fitness, we believe you should have access to health and fitness equipment no matter where you are. Come home to the gym of your dreams with fitness equipment that pushes you to meet your goals - no matter what they might be.
No matter what LifeSpan equipment you use, you benefit from variety. With treadmills and treadmill desks that feature various resistance levels, you can fully customize your workout the way you deem fit.
You can also add LifeSpan Fitness’s equipment to your fitness routine. Whether you’re committed to a strength routine, resistance bands, or prefer working out on your yoga mat, LifeSpan’s equipment fits with all of your fitness preferences.
Starting At
$1,099.00 -
Or Monthly*
10,000 Steps Have Never Been This Easy
Create the gym of your dreams with our fitness equipment. Not interested in a Treadmill Desk? No worries! We offer all types of fitness equipment. We know that our fitness equipment will give you the push you need in order to meet your goals - no matter what they might be!
What Are the Benefits of Working on a Treadmill Desk
Stay active all day long without sacrificing time after work. Walking on your treadmill desk while working benefits your mind, body, and saves you time!
Learn More
Reduces Stress + Improves Mood

Increases Productivity

Increases Creativity

Promotes Healthy Body Weight

Humans weren’t meant to sit all day
It’s time to give your office chair a rest. Not surprisingly, studies have shown that sitting for 8+ hours a day has a negative impact on your health. You shouldn’t have to wait until after work to feel healthy and get your body moving. Stay productive and healthy by trying Lifespan’s office treadmill desks and under desk bikes.
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Looking to revamp your commercial space?
Fitness equipment built to last for gyms, multi-housing communities, recreation and rehabilitation centers, and more.
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