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You have a passion for fitness and you want to extend that to others to help them reach their goals. You understand how important it is to feel like you have partners in your journey to health and wellness. You know how bored people are sitting at their desks and you want to change it.

Help the tightly-knit team at Lifespan Fitness spread the word about the benefits of working out while you’re at work or home. Life’s too Short. It’s time to act.


Creating Partnerships That Change People's Lives

At Lifespan, we believe the journey to health and wellness takes a village. Whether that’s through an in person group or online through social media, we love when people share their stories and share in our mission. That’s why we’re always looking for influencers to help change lives through at-work and at-home fitness.

Help Us Change People's Lives

If you're looking for a tight-knit team to share your passion and give you the resources you need to expend your brand, contact Lifespan Fitness about our influencer partnerships. We are a tight-knit team ready to crush our goals and have fun while doing it. Got a great idea? We want to hear it!

Influencer Perks

At Lifespan, we believe our partners deserve the finest resources. If you join us, you become part of the team and we offer the following opportunities:

Free Product
Opportunities to Earn Commission
Improve your own Health and Wellness Goals
Spread Awareness and Help Others

The Lifespan Fitness Influencer Team


Lizzie Cui

"Anyone else get bored doing the same workout routine over and over?!!?? ME TOO. I love exercising but I can't stick to the same thing for too long, so when I come across a machine where I can bike and box, I was all-in."

Ash Kulbeck

"I use my LifeSpan Fitness TR2000e Folding Treadmill every single morning to start my day off right. The health benefits of walking include: maintaining a healthy weight, managing high blood pressure, improving cardiovascular fitness, improving muscle endurance, increasing mood and energy levels, improving sleep, memory, balance, coordination, and more! #LifeSpan #LifeSpanFitness # LifeSpanFam #WalkWithLifeSpan"


This thing is really versatile

Best Under Desk Treadmill

I spend way too much time sitting

Increased energy, enhanced my mood

Just got it out of the box and plugged it in

Combines pedaling and punching

Become Part of the Team Today

Want to partner with a fitness company who cares about its clients?
There's nothing holding you back.

Apply today to find out what we can do to help the fitness community.

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