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5 Healthy Habits that Prevent Chronic Disease

According to the CDC, 6 out of 10 people are suffering with a chronic disease, which is the number one cause of death. 

There's a lot of pressure to live the healthiest lifestyle you can, especially in this age where everyone is telling us what their favorite habits are. But there isn't one best way; each person has different needs and goals which means finding something that works for them might take some trial-and-error!

The strategies for a healthy life are never-ending. You might have tried the apple cider vinegar supplements or purchased a  treadmill desk, but what about all of these other choices we make each day? It's important to know that every decision you make will affect your body long term in some way so take time out today and decide which path is right for you.

“Healthy lifestyle habits can slow or even reverse the damage from high cholesterol or high blood sugar,” says lifestyle medicine specialist Mladen Golubic, MD, PhD. “You can reverse diabetes, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease.”

Here is a list of chronic diseases that could be prevented by practicing the daily habits listed in the article. 

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke

According to Mladen Golubric, MD, PhD, 80% of chronic diseases are driven by lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise.

Want to learn 5 ways your lifestyle can help prevent chronic disease? We've put together a list of healthy habits that will keep you at peak performance and health. Here's what they are, why it matters & how our team does them! 

1. Eating a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet has many benefits for both children and adults. It helps them grow into strong, healthy people who live longer lives with lower risks of obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes or heart disease in general.  Healthy eating can make you more energetic throughout the day because it provides energy from natural food sources instead of sugars which may lead to cravings later on when we're tired.

A well balanced meal is one that contains proteins such as eggs alongside complex carbohydrates found within whole grains. This also  includes foods with high amounts of cholesterol or fat which will help you maintain an optimum level for "good" HDL (high density lipoprotein) and Triglycerides in order to prevent diseases related to blood flow such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome etcetera. A good way not only to eat healthier but to live longer too!

A balance of calcium, saturated fat and cholesterol is needed for strong bones. Without enough nutrients like this you may become brittle or weak depending on the type consumed in your diet. A high amount can lead to osteoporosis while low levels make it difficult for them to withstand any stress placed upon them such as being hit by another player's sword during combat!

At Lifespan Fitness, we want our employees to lead healthy lives. That’s why I have group chats with recipes and tips for eating better! It has helped reduce fast food habits in everyone while boosting productivity by increasing people's energy levels over all of their days at work - not just during breaks or after lunchtime activity.

Try a group chat at your workplace and let us know how it goes! 

2. Exercising Regularly 

A sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of various health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. A person's risk for these ailments increases as they maintain a desk job with little physical activity throughout their day or even if they spend too much time sitting down at one point during it.

Exercise is a vital part of preventing the onset and progression from chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Increasing your activity by 500kcal per week can help lower the risk for this condition by 6%, according to research done on large populations in prospective studies.

The benefits of exercise are undeniable. Not only does it provide an excellent outlet for stress, but it’s also been shown that people who work out on a regular basis have increased self-esteem and better mental health than those without! So what can we do? 

You can get ahead of the game and start living a healthier lifestyle by investing in treadmill desks or bike desks. These products will have you sprinting through your work day, giving yourself an edge over other employees who don't invest time into staying healthy at their desk jobs! Invest early so that when winter rolls around with all its cold weather come rain outs (guaranteed), there are no excuses not to go outside for some physical activity anyway.

3. Obtaining Daily Sufficient Sleep

Sleep deprivation is dangerous for our health. The body needs sleep to function properly and without it, you may experience hunger pangs or difficulty concentrating, which can lead not just into more trouble at work but also an early death as the chronic diseases are twice as likely if we regularly receive less than six hours of sleep each night.

Sleep is important for fighting infection. When you don't get enough sleep, your body cannot produce as many antibodies and cells to fight off the bugs that could be lurking around in any one of us at any time. This also increases our risk of obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, heart disease along with blood vessel conditions like stroke or hypertension among others.

There are several things that could be keeping you from getting the proper amount of sleep at night. Shorter hours spent sleeping can have a significant effect on your body, mind and mood.  One thing that could be affecting your sleep is your phone or smart device. Studies show that two or more hours of screen time in the evening can seriously disrupt a person's sleep. This is due to their body producing less melatonin, which helps them rest and rejuvenate while sleeping. It may be best for you as an individual, if possible avoid using electronics near bedtime at all costs! Consider reading books instead so you get your mind off what's bothering you before going down for some much needed zzzs. 

Solution? Put your device away before bedtime. 

A lot of people are finding that they can improve their quality and duration of sleep by putting away devices an hour before bedtime. This is a great way to get back in touch with yourself, as well as recharge!

The blue light from your cell phone screen tricks the body into thinking it's daytime and interferes with production of melatonin, which controls sleep patterns ( circadian rhythm). This makes falling asleep or waking up difficult in a timely manner.

4. Spend time in nature (Get out) 

You spend a lot of time inside these days, but it's important to get some fresh air and exercise. A 2018 study showed that spending more time outside could make you healthier as well! In their research on sedentary behavior (sitting or reclining), they found out that staying active impacts your physical health in ways we never thought about before: from lowering chronic disease risks like heart problems down below to increasing bone density up top.

It's been said that natural environments are the best places to be. This includes your local park, woods, or even outdoor gyms. 

Walks in parks, on trails or even through a neighborhood can provide connections to nature such as hearing birds chirping, feeling a breeze and smelling blooming flowers and trees. Exercise actually helps us think clearer while improving moods. It's easypeasy (or harder) living healthier so make sure every day counts by taking up one small form of activity from what you might have done before then adding another thing if there is space left over.

5. Hydrate!

Drinking plenty of water each day can help to improve your health. It's great for preventing dehydration, which leads not only mood swings but also body overheating and dizziness as well as constipation! When you are thirsty, choosing water over other sugary options like sodas and fruit drinks will keep your body from gaining weight since it contains no calories. The amount of liquid that is needed depends on many factors such as the size or activity level in an individual's life-style choices; however women need about 9 cups per day while men only require 7!

If you are someone who struggles with hydrating properly, try some of these simple tricks:

  • Set up daily goals
  • Get into a competition with friends or co-workers
  • Keep the water in front of you 
  • Keep a reusable water bottle with you
  • Set reminders on you smart phone or device 

Drinking water and staying hydrated is associated with a reduced incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs), lower blood pressure and heart disease.

Bottoms up! 


There's no magic bullet for good health. And while some people might tell you their favorite habit or food to do in order to live a healthy lifestyle and it works great on them - don't forget about yours! 

A lot of pressure can come from other’s expectations when trying to find what will work best with your needs; however this doesn't mean one solution fits all because we're all unique individuals who have different goals which means finding something appropriate takes time through trial-and-error (or maybe even just 1 experiment).

We hope you enjoyed our 5 Healthy Habits and that they can benefit you in more than one way! 

While you’re here, check out these latest treadmill desk products to get you started on your fitness journey! 

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